Do you feel like you’re standing in your own way? This masterclass dives into the neuroscience of self-sabotage, revealing why we hold ourselves back and how to break free from limiting beliefs and behaviours that no longer serve us.
In this session, you’ll uncover:
• The hidden patterns and triggers that keep you stuck.
• A roadmap to overcome self-sabotage and navigate setbacks with confidence.
• Powerful tools to reprogram your subconscious mind and unlock your potential.
What’s included:
• Lifetime access to the recording so you can revisit the strategies whenever challenges arise.
• A reflective workbook to help you identify your personal patterns and create your toolkit for success.
• A guided hypnotic meditation for rewiring limiting beliefs and shifting into empowerment.
• Whether you attend live or not, you’ll get full access to the replay and materials.
• Perfect for anyone ready to overcome self-doubt and take aligned action toward their goals.
• All masterclasses are held via Zoom AEST
By the end of this masterclass, you’ll have the clarity, tools, and confidence to step out of your own way and into your potential.
Price: $33 AUD